Latest District News
Water Treatment Plant Expansion Update
The water well contractor has experienced some downhole issues that have required him to remobilize and correct these issues. The current 24-hour operations are expected to last approximately one more week. When this is completed, there should be a break in the 24-hour operations for one to two weeks while equipment is reinstalled in the well. After this time, the contractor will develop the well, a process that will take approximately two weeks and will involve intermittent operations, most notably one pumping test that must run for 30 hours continuously.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Gilligan with BGE, Inc. (District Engineer for HCMUD 412 and HCMUD 504) at 713-488-8192.
Please monitor the Harris County MUD 412 website for future updates.
Water Treatment Plant Expansion
The ongoing construction at the HCMUD 412 water plant site includes the installation of a new water well that will serve both HCMUD 412 and HCMUD 504. Currently, water is being supplied by a smaller well and obtaining treated surface water from the City of Houston. The new water well is a cost-effective means to provide additional water needed to keep up with the development in HCMUD 504.
While we understand that the ongoing work at the HCMUD 412 water plant can be disruptive at times, the contractor is nearing completion of the well installation. It could be completed within the next couple of weeks. This is the portion of the construction that is most visible and causes the most noise, some of which must occur 24 hours per day. When this is completed, construction will continue through the remainder of the year, but should be much less disruptive, and will generally occur within daytime working hours.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
The wastewater treatment plant is also undergoing an expansion in order to serve the additional development in HCMUD 504. The wastewater treatment plant, like the water treatment plant, is a shared facility serving both districts. The wastewater treatment plant is being expanded from 640,000 gallons per day to 950,000 gallons per day. It is anticipated that this construction project will be completed sometime in October.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Gilligan with BGE, Inc. (District Engineer for HCMUD 412 and HCMUD 504) at 713-488-8192.
Please monitor the Harris County MUD 412 website for future updates at
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Location:
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP
Sabine Conference Room
3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77027