Latest District News
City of Houston Enters Stage One of The Drought Contingency Plan
The City of Houston will enter Stage One of the City’s Drought Contingency Plan, effective Tuesday June 21, 2022. The Drought Contingency Plan calls for Stage One water conservation measures when there is an observed drop in annual rainfall amounts and higher-than-normal daily temperatures.
During the past month, the City of Houston has had record-setting high temperatures above 90 degrees and a significant decrease in rainfall. As a result, most of Houston’s service area is experiencing moderate to severe drought conditions. These conditions call for implementation of Stage One water conservation measures.
Stage One drought response calls for the following voluntary water conservation efforts:
- Limit outdoor watering to twice a week between the hours of 7PM and 5AM with the following schedule:
- Sundays & Thursdays for single-family residential customers with even-numbered street addresses
- Saturdays and Wednesdays for single-family residential customers with odd-numbered street addresses
- Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers
Water customers are also reminded to continue everyday efforts to prevent the loss of water:
- Check & repair water leaks, including dripping faucets & running toilets
- Check sprinkler heads to make sure water is not spraying into the street or directly into a storm drain and/or gutters
These voluntary efforts will help Houston reduce water use by 5%. The public will be notified when Stage One water conservation measures have been lifted.
Sign Up for the District’s Alert System
The District has implemented a text alert system for the residents of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 412. This system is designed to keep you informed of issues related to the District in a quick and timely manner. You may receive messages in text alert format related to the water service in the District, drainage and sewer related topics, and other news that is relevant to the District.
Text message notifications will contain a short amount of information with a link back to the District’s website where the remainder of the information can be viewed.
These notifications are a great way to stay up to date on news and issues within the District and we highly encourage you to sign up and share this information with your neighbors.
To sign up for text notifications, please click here to visit the sign up page.
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Location:
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP
Sabine Conference Room
3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77027