Latest District News
Best Trash Holiday Schedule
Our 2020-2021 holiday schedule is as follows. Please note that services times may be earlier before the holiday due to lighter volume but that the service times will likely be later than usual after the holiday due to the additional holiday volume. Please always have the trash out prior to 7am for collection.
Tuesday, December 22nd – Normal services provided
Friday, December 25th- No services provided. Trash Service will resume on Tuesday December 29, 2020. Recycle service will resume Friday January 8, 2021. If you have more than what will fit in your recycle container, please put the extra recycle in clear or white bags and/or boxes.
Tuesday, December 29th-Normal Service provided
Friday, January 1st – No services provided. Trash Service will resume on Tuesday January 5, 2021. Recycle service will resume Friday January 8, 2021.
Tuesday, January 5th-Normal Service provided.
Friday January 8th-Normal Service provided and recycle resumes.
Office Hours
Thursday, December 24th – Closed Friday, December 25th – Closed Thursday, December 31st – 9:00 am – Noon Friday, January 1st – Closed
WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected]
Water Treatment Plant Expansion Update – October 20, 2020
The water well contractor has completed the reinstallation of the down-hole well equipment. The large drilling rig will be demobilized and removed from the site this week. After the drilling rig is removed, the contractor will develop the well, a process that will take approximately two weeks and will involve intermittent operations, most notably one pumping test that must run for 30 hours continuously. The noise generated from this activity should be significantly less than the previous operations.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Gilligan with BGE, Inc. (District Engineer for HCMUD 412 and HCMUD 504) at 713-488-8192.
Please monitor the Harris County MUD 412 website for future updates.
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Location:
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP
Sabine Conference Room
3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77027