

Best Trash

(281) 313-2378
[email protected]

  • Trash collection is every Tuesday and Friday.
  • Recycle collection once weekly on Friday.
  • Please have trash out by 7:00 a.m.


Our 2020-2021 holiday schedule is as follows. Please note that services times may be earlier before the holiday due to lighter volume but that the service times will likely be later than usual after the holiday due to the additional holiday volume. Please always have the trash out prior to 7am for collection.


Tuesday, December 22nd – Normal services provided

Friday, December 25th- No services provided. Trash Service will resume on Tuesday December 29, 2020. Recycle service will resume Friday January 8, 2021. If you have more than what will fit in your recycle container, please put the extra recycle in clear or white bags and/or boxes.

Tuesday, December 29th-Normal Service provided

Friday, January 1st – No services provided. Trash Service will resume on Tuesday January 5, 2021. Recycle service will resume Friday January 8, 2021.

Tuesday, January 5th-Normal Service provided.

Friday January 8th-Normal Service provided and recycle resumes.

Office Hours:

Thursday, December 24th – Closed Friday, December 25th – Closed Thursday, December 31st – 9:00 am – Noon Friday, January 1st – Closed

WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected]

Coronavirus Update – Please Bag Your Garbage

In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee’s safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.

Trash collection services will continue as normal, but we are experiencing an increase in the amount of residential solid waste as a result of residents spending more time at home. Please be patient as we are doing our best to get everyone collected.

Green waste collection will continue; however we anticipate delays in service. By taking the following steps, residents can help minimize these delays:

  • Mulch leaves and grass clippings instead of bagging them for disposal.
  • Limit the amount of pruning and tree trimming to only what is essential.
  • If utilizing a landscaping company, ensure all green waste is collected and hauled off by the contractor.

Please continue to place your recycling loose in your container. However, if anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms of any transmissible illness, please place recyclables in plastic bags and dispose of with your regular garbage.

Trash Collection

On each regularly scheduled collection day, Best Trash will collect residential garbage located at the curbside in a trash can between 30-50 gallons in size, and/or bags (no greater than 40 pounds).   Please place garbage adjacent to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on each collection day

Items excluded from normal collection are dirt, rocks, bricks, tile, concrete, tires, batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, waste generated by a private contractor or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials. Best Trash will leave a yellow tag explaining the reason for any non-collected item(s).

Please do not dispose of gasoline, motor oil, paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items in a container that is not visible to Best Trash personnel.  If such items result in spillages that cause a stain, Best Trash is not responsible for the cleanup.

Trees, shrubs, brush trimmings and fencing (no greater than 4 feet long, no branch exceeding 4 inches in diameter, bundled and tied in bunches of no more than 40 pounds) may be placed to the curb on both collection days by 7:00 a.m. for collection.  The bundling is required to allow quick pickup and size limitations are required to avoid damaging the equipment in the compaction process.  Yard waste (grass clippings, leaves, weeds, etc.) must be contained in bags (no greater than 40 pounds) and placed to the curb next to the trash can on both collection days by 7:00 a.m. for collection. Items such as appliances, furniture, mattresses and carpet (up to 1 room, less than four feet wide/bundled and tied/ not exceeding 40 pounds per bundle), will be collected on both collection days.  By Federal Law, refrigerators, freezers, and any other items containing Freon must be inspected and drained of Freon by a licensed AC/Cooling Technician, and have an accompanying bill/receipt to validate such service was performed.

An enhanced feature of Best Trash is our special pick-up service for items excluded by the contract.  If notified in advance, Best Trash will meet with you prior to your collection day to determine a price to haul away non-contract items.  If you do not notify Best Trash of such a special pick-up before your scheduled collection day, we will leave a notice for you to contact Best Trash during office hours to determine a price and arrange a time for the special collection.


Best Trash takes great pride in recycling.  Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort by both parties.  Please remove caps, liquids and food products from containers.  Please only use the recycle bins for recyclable materials, not as an extra trash container. Best Trash will collect all paper products (including cardboard), plastics 1-7, aluminum and tin cans and all colors of glass that are placed within the provided recycling container. To conserve space in your recycle bin, please flatten all boxes and condense all plastic containers. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to the bin labeled “RECYCLE” in containers, boxes or bins up to 40 gallons in size.

Best Trash will provide each current residence with one recycling bin. Best Trash will replace any bins that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear. Lost or stolen recycling bins can be replaced at $20.00 plus tax by calling Best Trash.


If your garbage collection day falls on a holiday (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th/Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day), the collection will be made on the next regularly scheduled collection day.

Upcoming Meetings

April 15, 2025 at 11:30 AM

Meeting Location:
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP
Sabine Conference Room
3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77027

Lakeshore Residents You’re Invited!

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